Two years ago a group of fourteen new students started their NDT-Master at Dresden International University. Ten of them belong to the double degree program, for which one studies in China and Germany, while the other four are part of the single degree program and study only in Germany.
On the 27th and 28th of March all the students presented their internship reports. It is part of the program that after two semesters of theory, the students test a specific NDT measurement method in practice for twelve weeks. The internships take place individually in various institutions The students from the next academic year (NDT17) had the possibility to take a look at the presentations of the reports and see how the topics were processed and what awaits them at the same time next year.
Six of the students are staying in Germany and will soon start writing their master theses in order to defend them at the Dresden International University in October. The time has come for the double degree students to return to China. There they are going to spend their 4th semester and write their master theses. This is why the Dresden International University organized a farewell dinner for them on Tuesday evening at the Feldschlösschen Stammhaus in Dresden. This allowed the students to enjoy the typical German beer and food once again and to spend some time all together. During a round of talks, initiated by the NDT scientific director Prof. Boller, he asked them what they have missed most during their year in Germany, what have they learned and what they will remember. It turned out, that almost all Chinese students look forward to the traditional spicy Chinese food, although they have also came to love the German cuisine. Some have been able to improve their German language skills and many have visited and got to know other European countries (France, the Netherlands, Italy and the Czech Republic).
Overall, all students have made a big progress in their studies and their field and are returning to China with a lot of memories and new experiences.
Here you can read more about the master course Non-Destructive-Testing.